Thursday, January 27, 2011

Monday, May 3, 2010


mm, now i know what it means when people say "karma's a bitch"

it's not that you get to a person by breaking down their walls
but you get to them when you just happen to knock on the right doors
;in my case, i didnt do either, but i just decided to jump over and walk right in, ignoring obviously everything in the way. but "everything in the way" is the most important thing before everything else.
obviously, i failed.

history repeats itself. the same in my own history.

Friday, December 25, 2009


I keep falling where theres nothing,
i've forgotten how to love.

i've become coldhearted,
and i've forgotten how to love.

i wish time machines did exist..

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


It's depressing as I go through this life.
I live through moments where i'm dreading the hour that slowly passes time,
and i live through moments where i'm on thebrink of fear mixed with joy,
thinking, is this really happening?

and in everything that i say or do,
isn't it all for one purpose,
one thing to live for,
one thing to just say,
ill give more and more

except more and more gets harder to offer, harder to give, harder to guarantee
because the more i may want to surrender, the hill just gets steeper and steeper;
i suddenly engage in a battle where its not just me against myself,
but me vs. the world

but that's been the problem this whole time
it was never me vs. the world;
it was always me vs. the world, with him by my side.

i am no longer depressed nor discouraged, i am relieved, i am joyful, i am rejuvenated.
i am free.